Criticism: An Indian’s view point.

This is one of those off-my-personal-life posts. So beware, if you’re looking for some usual masala(which I’m sure you guys have had enough of)! For the lot who come and take a view at this blog of mine from the other sides of the globe, a quick reminder; I’m from India.I’m an Indian.

You know, it’s quite a statement to make in the present conditions.Why? Any normal Indian would find this question kinda silly, ‘cos our lives have been in this constant process of turning-into-a-nightmare kinda thing and I’m not exaggerating while saying this. Everyone who reads this blog knows one thing. I’m not an expert in handling mess while I’ve elaborated my self-made mess here for quite a while. Also, I’m not much of an expert in politics,although I had this bad habit of reading newspapers(which now I consider as a bad habit, ‘cos anything that’s news ain’t always good).Apart from that I was dumb. Just doing my stuff. Going around here and there, wasting my dad’s money,living;that kinda stuff. As I’ve grown old with new problems(self-made,as always) I found this new hobby of criticizing the government for its actions. Actually, if one can blame that as laziness on my part, the government ain’t doing any good that deserves some appreciation. To state a fact; daily life in this country is becoming really hard with each passing day.

The Western world often has this image of India that majorly comprised of slums and poverty(not to mention the poor old snake charmers!) which disturbed me for a very long time,actually. I thought of it as the evil motive of the western media to portray India as a bad place and then there are reports of the Indian media that goes on saying about 9pc GDP growth,Sensex hitting highs,F1 in India,World Cup in India,Comm.Wealth Games. etc etc. Mostly its all synonyms and abbreviations that put a glamorous image of India,yet somehow I felt India still had that bad image in the West. I’m not of the opinion that making a point to the West is the supreme factor in this world. But still it showed how we were perceived by the developed audience. Something had to be done.So our government invests a lot of money into something like the Common Wealth Games(argh,i’m ashamed to take that name anymore!) and proclaim that India has arrived!(frankly where were we all this time;Mars?!).And then after basking in the glory for sometime(months,actually) the Chinese organize an Asian Games that proves to be much more bigger than the CWG. So there goes the big elephant(India). And give some time, and we see a HUGE scam behind all this! Frankly, it took me some time to grasp the amount of money involved in the scam(the zeros were too overwhelming!)!! So my question to the Western Media-Do you buggers still think India is poor?! I guess not!

Then there are the likes of Julian Assange who come out now and then(respect him for the work he did as a fellow half-engineer) to throw insights into this “corruption” details The amounts of money involved, who all has them where and how, etc etc. A prominent Indian-Political family(democracy we are though, family always gets its priorities in politics) had the bank deposits in form of numbers which,frankly, until then been unheard of to me! Thanks to them, the common-man of India had the luck to hear of such numbers! There were many sms’s that circulated during the time that showed how difficult it would to just count this much of money! And add to that, we’re being governed by a puppet Prime Minister who is supposed to be under the control of this family. Now I’m scared, ‘cos Assange now tells me that the Govt. has its “eyes” on people who go on gaga about the govt(Terrorists,kinda). Slowly, this place is turning into some Eastern Extension of the United States. We’d be more than gratified if some day, India was recognized as an Independent American State by the US Congress! Thanks a lot PM(Indian,ie) for going in this right path! We like you, will not be have a back-bone in the future!

Then there is back-stabbing on the people by Govt. at monthly intervals. Fuel price hike! It’s like,it’s not news anymore! There ain’t any surprise upon hearing a fuel price hike these days. But we’re only bothered on whether this thing will beat the International oil price!

I know. What I’m doing now is utter rubbish and this will go down along with the millions of similar posts as Internet-junk.The successful ones among us might manage to get some comments and views. I mean that’s what we bloggers thrive on right! But the facts are never gonna be denied. While we all dream of that one day,when our country too joins the list of so called Superpowers, I pray that India remains India on that occasion. Not merely an ally of the west. I grew up reading in history textbooks about glorious stories of the past.The freedom fighters,Mahatma Gandhi and his non-violence,Bhagat Singh’s heroics,and post-Independence, the strong position India took during the cold war period of Non-Alliance.Now I see a common thing that gave us such a glorious past. We surely had strong leaders back then. It was one man/woman and the rest of the country. Sadly, post the liberation period(since the time I was born),although, we had several notable politicians,good ones among the whole bad lot; we missed out on having a strong leader. Leadership is essential in any team-game,let alone a country for I know that much. And frankly, as the citizen of this country, I don’t think much of the people governing me. This is where Democracy falls short. We have the power and all yes.But that’s an old preach. Once we’ve elected these idiots,we never get to see them. We only seem them on T.V afterwards,when they come out to make some of the above said anti-human decisions;fuel,commodity price hike, for an example. Sometimes, I often wonder,on the pathetic situation of this country. I mean, how could we elect the baddest people among the whole lot to represent us and form the government. Strange! I’m amazed at our misfortunes!

Now,I’m a guy who takes pride on being referred to as an Indian. But the last few years,our lives have become so much more harder,many a thanks to our government; I’m thinking anything but escaping from this country. Pride can be taken along with me in being recognized as an Indian,elsewhere;but certainly not here. I’ve lost hope on seeing this country get better as a result of some bill introduced in the parliament or a law passed. We’ve come a far way from all that. If it’s corruption we’re talking about, it’s like this one big virus that has spread all across the system,from the grass-roots level. Maybe our Indian football/hockey associations(forgot,Hockey here has two associations!) could learn a thing or two from the way corruption had grown in this country-from the grass-roots level!! Well, having said that, we can’t deny the once in a while golden stars that come along to spark a smile across our otherwise gloomy faces. The likes of Sachin Tendulkar, who inspire generations to strive forward with determination and hard work are faces of the glowing India. But the underbelly of this country is still grappled with age-old problems like poverty,sickness,along with newly-FOUND problems like corruption. Even though, many come out making proclamations that give us more insights into these matters, it is up-to us finally, to recognize the hollow ones among the lot.

As always,leaving the hope part to the almighty, for he is the only one who can clear out all the mess(which I know it’s impossible). Still,hoping that things would get better. Just hoping.

Safer side of Fame : Life from a different perspective

As usual…

the words might change , the situations change, attitude changes even;

not life.. not life…

HELLO folks!

It’s been a long time since i scribbled anything on my online paradise, I know. But still , what brings me back here is that good old feeling of freedom I get here. This is the only place in this alternate world where I , for sure, know ; I’m the KING!! 😀

Well enough of cliche’s and intros. We’ve had a lot of that here many a times… and I know more of it would just bore my ‘avid’ readers.

Well .. I reached home for Maundy Thursday ,[ I’m no Christian,BTW] and managed to scoop in four days of holiday thanks to Easter!

College life is entering a new phase as the second semester is on full flow. Two months have passed since the new semester began. And it seems, things are a bit different and cool this semester. The first-year-tensions have slowly vanished. Whether it be of ragging, or studies or anything.This is a point when you realize you’ll just have to swim out of here, even if the waters are a bit too deep for you.

But as I say always, you’ll miss these troubled waters long after you reach the shores.

So, as I said, college life turning out to be the one like in those movies; slowly but steadily.

Even though I pledged in my mind earlier not to rag juniors next year; don’t know why, but one-semester-seniority has bought some changes in me that wants me to scare some poor juniors out there!

Besides, we’re having our Arts and Sports Day’s in the coming weeks, beginning on coming Monday. So things are gonna be pretty much fun this semester!

But a lot of changes have taken place in my life compared to my school days.

I can feel people changing around me ; me myself changing…

I had my share of limelight during my school days. Almost in all spheres, except studies as all of you would know! 😀

But here around I see a drastic role ex-change. I can feel that I’ve taken my friends’ place which I would rather like to call as ‘safer side of fame’ !!

Not many in my college recognize me. Sometimes I really feel I’m out of my league here while keeping such a low profile. I mean, for someone who has always got his share of fame this change seems too difficult to accept.

But I’ve lead the life of a revolutionary in my school days. I had my share of mishaps, close shaves, and glorious victories. Everything here seems so shallow and un-inspired.

I don’t write that much these days, nor do I play. Those were some of the things I used to good at during my school days. Yes I am a bit disappointed that opportunities don’t come to me like it used to in my school days. Here , I think , or rather, I know, I have to start from point One. All over again.

It’s all about creating that image, isn’t it. Almost everyone would write off false images by saying we must be who we are and all that crap, in the day light. But when the sun sets, all of them wants to be in that safer side; that comfort zone in life. The one’s who dared to go beyond to experience the darkness, withered in the daylight.

I used to win almost all of the literary competitions held in my school towards the end of high school and frankly speaking, what it did to me was that, I felt like the King of some “2 inch’ Kingdom!

I know it’s ugly, but please take it as my confession and forgive me hopefully.

But having such an image had its share of advantages. Even if you weren’t good at your studies, you’d still be given appreciation for the other things you’re good at.

Well the truth is that , ‘the other things’ never gave me a good seat in a good engineering college; which to many in my society is the ultimate escape to a safe life.

Nowadays, whenever I see my friend in college, I feel, I’m seeing myself through my eyes.  Jealousy, competition; I don’t know what to call it.  But I feel that I’ve been given a chance to see how I lived through my school life in my college life!!

IT’S a usual trend. For those who’ve scaled their maximum in their school life, college life would be boring and without any opportunities. But for those who didn’t have such a glorious school life, College life is still another opportunity to achieve those heights their friends have achieved.

But this doesn’t mean that I’m retiring. Life gave me it’s perks and I’m hungry for more!!

Like they say , success is addicting , isn’t it?!!

But the only thing is that, I’d have to find out new horizons to succeed. New spheres , new areas in which I could shine.

BTW, who doesn’t like to shine ?!!

Although the path i chose, or rather the path which chose me, is SAFE, this safety doesn’t comfort me. Deep inside , i’m still that maverick who likes to go out to hunt his own food rather than eat what’s been put on my table.

I chose my way, I pave my road; I live my life.

But still, there’s that lucrative offer living life in the safer side with lesser regrets even though the happiness has got it’s limits.

From where I stand , I know I only have limited options. Not too much of anything.

But from where I come from, everything was large in magnitude. Whether it be troubles or luxuries.

But that’s the life one should live , isn’t it?!

For , when you die, you shouldn’t take back the regret of being unable to do some things in your life when you knew you could have; for you had to make that jump when it mattered. But you chose to stay tight, in the comfort zone, which felt comfortable at that particular moment. But , when you have no other options, you prefer to live such a life. That itself is the ultimate test. But I know I have the luxury to take risks and achieve fame in my life. I know , I have it in me.

I really miss my old life. And I desperately want it back.

I might have wasted an entire blog describing my desperate wish to come out of the shadow. But you know, sometimes it hurts to be called by someone else s’ name especially when that person happens to be your close friend;it hurts even more.

But still i can choose to avoid such unnecessary egos and live on my life. But when I turn back on my college life, after four years from now, I shouldn’t see me in the sidelines when I knew I could have been there in the track.

This is not where I belong. But somehow I’m not given that chance to go out of orbit, into my league, for they are trying to restrict me within 4×4 walls of life. I don’t know when , but I’ll surely break out of  these walls that imprison the real me.

That’s why most of the times, I don’t feel at home when I’m in my college. I take it as just another institution; when i know I should have taken it as another opportunity to shine in life.

Too much of negativeness of one person’s lust , isn’t it?

But since i’m on the sidelines, now I know what it feels like.

I think god is trying to give me a chance to see life from a different angle.

Next is what,? I blink. But I hope there won’t be any regrets later on.

As my bus reached my town this time around., some lines came flashing on to my mind and I immediately typed them onto my cell. I wish to share it here, and hope you’d like it…..:)

” Memories frozen in some

darker realms of life

A thought,

a last , weak , spark by a

candle before it went blank

A thought that hoped

that I wasn’t dead.


there was light

as if a billion stars came


crashing at one point.

Too much of everything good

that my bloodless eyes couldn’t

grab ’em all in..


I hoped, I wasn’t dead.

But then I saw my girl

at the front door,staring at me

I didn’t knew whether it was

tears or the rain that

washed her beautiful cheeks


I knew , I was dead.”

[The last few lines were a bit cheesy :(, i know. But it was just a reminder to myself of the things i dearly wanted to have in my life 😀 ]