A friend in need …

(This post goes out to one of my bestest friends! In fact, I’m writing this after a lot of compulsion from her part but nevertheless I’ve been thinking of writing such a post for a long long time now! 😀 Well, count this as my autograph which I couldn’t write back then! ) 

About a year ago I had just completed my course and had been just out from my college. Not to mention, I was clueless as ever. I really had a tough time coping up with the life after college; mostly because of having to adjust to the changes that has happened in my friends’ lives’ more than mine(my life remained almost the same then and even now 😦 ) . Well, I’m not going into the details for I have bored you enough with my pointless posts over the last several months. The reason i’m posting this is because I would like to acknowledge a special someone who has been more close to me in the past one year than any one else. To actually think of it now, we were never this close when we used to study together(or go to class together 😛 ) !! Well, better late than never, right?! 😀

There’s a lot I want to say right now, but since I would like to keep her anonymity intact, I’m forced to limit my words here. I’m sorry yaar, you’d have to bare with me here! Simply putting it; she’s just an amazing person! Incredibly stupid at times and more knowledgeable than my imagination could ever fathom. In fact, I’ve never met a person who has ever came so close to being my carbon copy that I couldn’t believe  myself over the things we have in common! She’s like my female alter ego and I’m not kidding when I’m saying this!

Ok enough praise here, now let’s head back to the reality 😛 ! As i was saying, she was really my friend in need. I know it for sure that we both needed a friend around a year ago when things were headed for major changes in our lives’. I just thank that we were there for each other back then. Forgive me if my words sound too cheesy here, I just can’t find the right words to describe here! Some day perhaps when I’ve made it big in life and when the opportunity comes for me to give an acknowledgement to all those people who have had an impact in my life, your’s would definitely figure in the top list;that I can promise of! ( i just wrote that to her I think, silly me! 😛 )

Over the years, I’ve written about several ordinary and some times out of the ordinary antics I’ve done in my life in this blog here. Well, If I was to write about her antics, I promise you it wouldn’t be half-boring as mine! The romantic adventures or rather the mis-adventures of my dear friend is bound to have several twists and turns like the PG-13 version of the Fifty Shades book! (I’m really sorry yaar! 😀 )  There are also several of her crazy dreams ( which of course I can’t write here ‘cos all of it would be a dead give-away to who she is 😀 ) which I really think aren’t that crazy when you get to know her. I,myself, has been a hopeless dreamer all my life and I have found a few people in my life who are just like that.

As always, on a closing note, the optimist in me wishes that she’ll be in my life forever but the skeptic in me(or rather my past experiences) has taught me not to force people to stay with you. I know that I’ll never forget you. I hope that you’ll always be there. Here’s a kudos to the good times we’ve shared and to the times ahead …this one’s for you! 😉 Keep Smiling babe! 🙂

P.S: I would have wanted to write more here, but you know may be some time later, as a book perhaps! Who knows! Your’s is a story in itself waiting to be told to the world!