Alternate Universes – Food for thought ;-)


Something that has caught my imagination in the past few days is the concept of alternate universes. Well, the thing is I’ve had a lot of free time in the past few days( well, we all know that few days means almost a year nowadays right ?! 😀 ) and this is something that has kept me engaged in the past few days. 

My last post was almost everybody’s dream; to be a hero or rather being hero’s in our own universes. Well, what if we are ??? What if in some distant planet our brains are being tickled upon by some strange aliens to do what we’re doing right now(i’m typing). What if we’re being played upon by an unknown ring-master?? Puppets in a sense? 

Well, what if in another universe, I’m superman! My girl friend is Tamanna(I just opened facebook and the first photo I saw was of the movie star Tamanna 😉 ) and I have 4 eyes and 7 legs?! 😀 

It’s funny right? To think of all those things that could happening in this particular moment in an alternate universe, with our alter-egos. Well, I’m not stressing too much on thinking ‘cos many a men being termed as freaks are a result of excessive thinking. Off late I think I’m going nuts due to boredom. The tendency to laugh at my self my mistakes and everything.. :O Well, I’m not pressing too much on this topic again ‘cos people might think its easier to put me in a mental asylum than having to deal with my online blabbering! 😀 

Well, who knows; I might be a crazy hog in another universe. 😀 

As I was saying, I don’t really have a point here! I was just wondering on this particular concept. Dreams, alternate universes, and just the sheer power of human imagination! Recently I read in a book on past life therapies known as Regressions. These sort of ideas have really caught my attention! Some day may be perhaps science has got answers to all this and on another all of this might be hoax! Well, I’m just enjoying my stay here, happy to have the freedom to think! Cheers! 

P.S: I’m not crazy! 😀